Hollow Man (2000)
A very good B movie
2 October 2009
True - this seems like a modernization of 'Invisible Man'. I enjoyed the 'Invisible Man'. I enjoyed this movie, too. (This is along the lines of the old 'The Thing From Outer Space' compared to Carpenter's 'The Thing'. Both movies work.) Don't try to look for any hard-core explanations of the technical-kind here. Ultimately it is a really good B movie along the order of something fun or entertaining to watch on a boring Sunday like we used to when we were kids. Yes, you know what's going to happen (Just like B movies) - the villain dies...duh! But getting there was fun. Very good special effects - probably worth the viewing alone. Top notch gorilla suit!! Kevin Bacon is good though the character is a shallow vehicle to carry the story. Every one else is slight as well but the story carries just fine. I'll watch it again for sure.
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