A surprising class winner
23 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to show this film to my critical viewing class in the unit that deals with social changes and gender roles. I was a little apprehensive because it's a small film, with almost all dialogue and this goes against the grain of what these kids are used to. But since I'd always wanted to show a Meryl Streep film as well, it seemed like a good risk.

To my complete amazement, the class LOVED it! It was only later during discussion that I realized they could relate to it because of the divorce and how it effects kids. So many of them had similar situations, including the kid who shared that his mother hadn't wanted him either, and that's why he lived with his dad (gulp!). Nobody complained that there were no special effects or violence--they were totally into the story.

One unexpected side effect--they loathed Meryl Streep. Of course, it was the character they were reacting to, but it was very surprising that they were so emotionally invested they really had trouble separating the actress from her performance. I found out that most of them didn't really know her work--except for the Devil Wears Prada--and felt vaguely guilty that I'd turned off a generation to this magnificent actress. So I slipped in an extra film for fun and showed The River Wild. I wanted them to see her in a more heroic vein. Most of them liked the film very much and were able to comment on the broad contrast.

Sometimes teens really surprise you. I really thought they might hate it. Instead, it's a definite film for next year.
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