The Wrestler (2008)
13 August 2009
I get that this film is meant to be an anti climax. I get that it's meant to paint a bleak picture. I get what the film is doing, but to me it's just useless. Mickey Rourke's acting is really good but that's it.

The film doesn't give you any high's or low's, it's all delivered in a linear fashion to the point where i wanted to walk out of the cinema: There is no hope for the guy. There is no glimpse of hope. He is fighting FAKE fights, so there is no sympathy or action. His relationship with his daughter is so cliché it's actually embarrassing. It's like watching 2 hours of Eastenders, you can't take anything good from it and although i know you're not meant to, why would anybody want to watch such a pointless piece of cinema?

It's like going, "hey, let's watch this paint dry... I wonder what's going to happen??"

2 hours later "Oh, it's dry. Guess i'll go out and have some fun then"..

It would have been a major twist if something had actually happened in this film.

Sorry Mickey; great acting, but useless film.
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