Far inferior to the two prequels, but still slightly entertaining
30 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I loved The Mummy. I ADORED The Mummy Returms. I... was slightly entertained by Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon emperor.

Characters return, the same humor comes back and several links are made with the prequels, but this movie just doesn't have the magic and suspense that the two previous movies had.

The story is a little far-fetched, but it works I guess. A Chinese emperor is cursed and turns into a clay warrior (terracotta I believe it's called), along with his army. In the far future (20th century) he is brought back to life using the elixir of eternal youth (how convenient...). Now it's up to our Mummy fighters from the previous movies to put a stop to him before it's too late.

The acting was a little... childish. I think they tried too hard to make this movie more 'kiddy' then the prequels. The previous movies had real scares and good, frightening moments. This film however wasn't scary at all, just a bit gory at times; but it's not much and usually looks a bit cheesy.

However there is one good point: the CGI effects. There's a lot of creative eye candy in this movie. So this movie is slightly saved by the effects, but not enough to ensure a must-see status.

Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is sadly a disappointment compared to the prequels. If you are a die-hard fan of the previous movies (mainly the characters), then go watch it. Just don't expect as much as you did with the prequels.

In the end, this movie gets 6 out of 10 stars from me. Watchable, but not for more then once.
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