Disney's Doug (1996–1999)
Wanted to Like it When it Came out...but Disney Ruined it
29 July 2009
To this day, I don't see why Disney felt the need to completely gut everything about Nickelodeon's first Nicktoon. I understand, they feel that they can do anything better than anyone else...but in this case they were very wrong.

First, there were so many things that were unnecessary. Why did they have to break the Beets up? Everyone loved them! Hell, I still have some of their songs on my iPhone! Second, why did they close the Honker Burger? Those two things just showed that the new writers felt intimidated and were so desperate to do the show better rather than even just trying to do it justice. It failed on both accounts.

The story lines were 30 minutes, which I did like (I would have liked longer than 10 minute episodes in the original series). However, they became increasingly bizarre and unrealistic with each passing episode. One of the charming things about the original series was that, aside from some cartoon slapstick comedy, Doug was not at all unrealistic. Disney decided to put the show on acid and leave the viewers scratching their heads at the end of each episode, asking, "What was that all about?" This version of Doug jumped the shark the moment it began. It could have just stuck to the original format with some chronological updates and allowed the show to evolve a bit, but instead Disney ripped it up by the roots to begin with, leaving a show that was only slightly connected with the original series.
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