Review of Stoic

Stoic (2009)
A genuinely good movie
27 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm disappointed at the reviews and comments this film has received. Yes it's a tough movie to digest, but it's raising awareness on a much larger issue, which I think people completely overlooked. Had this movie been based on a prison cell in a less developed country, it probably would have had the critics going bravo. But picture this happening in Germany? In terms of directing, Boll did an excellent job. The rawness of the movie adds to the effectiveness of the characters and leaves you at the edge of your seat wondering just how much worse can it get.

A lot of people have complained about walking out of the cinema hall, which is baffling to me. If you were, in one night, tormented, beaten up, peed on, raped, and then had a broom shoved up your ass before you were forced to hang yourself - wouldn't you hope that individuals would actually have the humanity to understand what you've been through? Apparently not, as critics are more concerned about Boll's directing than the guy who endured this in 2006. Nobody should have to go through this insanity for any reason whatsoever. And looking back at the sentences the 3 guys received for what they did - well it just goes to show you the value of human life. Is more jail time really going to solve this problem? I don't think so. A flawed system is just the beginning. Why exactly are taxpayers paying to cloth and feed such animals beats me.

All in all, I was hoping IMDb would have more information on where these guys are now and of course a better rating for a really well made film. My advice: please go watch this movie. If you're super sensitive, then at least rent it. The movie sticks with you and when you wake up the next day, you'll still be thinking, damn that really happened to someone. I'm grateful to the guys that made this movie for bringing this incident to the forefront. The movie is very powerful and as painful as it might be to watch, you'll be glad you did.

Now should this movie win an award: definitely. Should people stop talking about Boll and focus on the issues raised - I can only hope.
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