Review of Fanboys

Fanboys (2009)
Old-fashioned Movie Piracy
5 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoilers Ahead) 'Fanboys' was really a harmless picture, not great, certainly not original, enormously predictable, yet, it still had some heart and fond memories of the late 1990s. As with any road picture, you can expect some or all members to get arrested, "accidentally" wander into a gay bar – wow, that was foreshadowed long before they entered the establishment, do drugs, attempt to give up along the way, have a blow out, meet countless cameos and almost always take a detour through Las Vegas. Come to think of it, barely an original idea happened once they got out on the road. Nevertheless, the overall concept – nerds bent on seeing the forthcoming Star Wars prequel, Episode I (this is set in late 1998) early by breaking into George Lucas's Skywalker Ranch, was well executed by the four guys, at least they did the best they could with the material, and made believable geeks, er "fanboys." I disagree with some of the critics that said this movie was released far too late; I think this was a nice remembrance of that time frame. I didn't wait in line for 'Star Wars: Episode I' (thank God, I didn't – what a disappointment) in fact, I waited until the middle of the next day when the theatre was nearly empty of the true "fanboys." But, I do remember the hype, anticipation and passion these 'Star Wars' fans had. It was nice to recapture that. Since 1999, I barely remember a movie even with such a following. Sure, kids and adults always are hyped for the next 'Harry Potter' and a lot were excited about 'Transformers 2.' But nothing compares to the hype these young adults in 'Fanboys' exhibited. Recommended, but just for fun. Side note: Loved Seth Rogan's large tattoo.
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