Silly and flat 80's sci-fi action movie but still holds a charm
25 April 2009
The Running Man is very silly. They use silly sound effects, the helicopter has a jet sound effect, the M-16s have hand gun sound effects, and there were a couple more examples I laughed about but can't remember now. The plot is a ridiculous but irresistible near future dystopian society that uses gladiator games to quell the masses and take their minds from their empty bellies. I've no doubt this movie would have been long forgotten if not for some very charismatic and memorable performances by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Richard Dawson. Jesse Ventura also appears with what looks to be a very bad toupee but isn't given much to do. My biggest pet peeve with this movie is the poor editing, we jump from scene to scene at times too abruptly. It isn't as if you'll have trouble following the story, but five minutes edited back in would have given the movie much better flow. Still this is an action movie and Arnold delivers while also delivering his trademark one liners.
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