Nicholas makes it Worth it!
22 April 2009
You need to go into this movie with the right frame of mind. Mainly it's an exploitation movie about murdering women. Of course it's misogynist! What the hell were you expecting Thelma and Louise? That being said Don't Answer the Phone has everything you would expect of this early eighties sleazy slasher. Bad Acting. James Westmoreland is more wooden than a forest. Bad Dialogue. How about ending a movie with "Adios Creep!". Plenty of topless women. It's got that in spades my friend. What separates this movie from the rest is the totally gonzo performance by Nicholas Worth as Kirk Smith the Hollywood strangler. Whether calling in to the local talk show as the thick accented Ramone or his racist diatribe with his "father" Worth goes above and beyond portraying a deeply disturbed Vietnam vet that has some issues with women. Every scene with him is fun to watch especially at the end when he has his prize, Dr. Gale, tied up and pretends to repent and let her go. I actually believed him for a second. This is truly a once in a lifetime performance that should be viewed by any fan of the exploitation/grindhouse genre of films.
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