Metalocalypse (2006–2013)
I wanted a good metal based comedy but I found Metalocalypse
21 April 2009
I really did want this to be a good show. I really wanted some metal based hilarity coming thick and fast for half an hour slots but it just wasn't to be.

I have been a metal fan for a good while now, more so a fan of the more extreme sub-genres i.e. Death and Black metal. I can safely say that I went in to watching this show with high hopes. I love extreme metal and I love comedy and I am more than willing to mix the two as I enjoy a good laugh about the things that mean a lot to me. So don't take this review as me slagging this off because I was upset and offended that they had dared to poke fun at my favourite genre of music.

Metalocalypse is just not a good show. It's crude, it's dumb but it's just not funny.

Perhaps I was hoping for a Spinal Tap-esquire spoof which would offer similar ridiculous but still plausible and laughable representations but instead I got predictable, dull and formulaic jokes that were pretty easy to digest but pretty boring to behold. This series runs out of steam very quickly as you realise that the only metal "jokes" are just countless metal stereotypes either being flipped on their head or shoved down your throat. Sure it would be silly to have a death metal band to shout out "RELEASE THE KITTIES" whilst live on stage but its not really anything new. If you ever have had a conversation about metal with anyone who knows about it you have probably come up which much funnier metal based anecdotes than that. And random attempts to incorporate actual band names into scenes just to get are laugh are just lame.

And this I feel is what the underlining problem with the whole show is. It's not doing anything that a metal fan couldn't think of by themselves. And I personally feel that it's only popular because its the only comedy based on this premise out there right now, I mean lets face it its not hard to be best metal based comedy show when you are the only one. This is a show that is dull at it's best and awful at it's worst.

For a show that centres itself around death metal, a genre I find to have a great sense of humour about itself and the world in general I just don't understand how and why this show went so wrong. It's just uninspired shite to be honest.
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