Review of Snatch

Snatch (2000)
You must have already decided to love it before watching...
8 April 2009
That's the only way I can explain these rave reviews and 8.2 average. Because if you come into the movie actually looking for a great story with great acting and diverse, interesting characters, well, you won't get it. But if you've decided you like "hip, cool, wise cracking British gangsters" and Guy Ritchie's ADD style of directing before you even sit down, then you'll decide this is just what you thought it would be, and give it a 10.

That's the only way I can fathom how people thought this was a great movie, let alone a good movie. I mean, if you take every cliché ever put into a gangster film and rehash it with tommy gun rapidity, that's the first 15 minutes of Snatch. And it just keeps going, and going. I got so bored with it, I stopped watching. So maybe it's really great in the end? I doubt it...
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