The Host (2006)
Good Characters, Bad Plot, Weird Vibe
19 March 2009
THE GOOD: The Host is a fun monster movie that's elevated slightly above the Hollywood hum-drum because it spends time developing likable characters and clear relationships. Great acting, a fast and entertaining first hour, and an interesting protagonist make it clear why audiences enjoyed this as much as they did.

THE WEIRD: The Host is "campy" in a way I've never seen before. A weird sort of subtle comedy runs under a majority of the scenes (including some very serious ones) giving the film an oddly persistent feeling of humor. The end result is similar to camp horror in that it's self-aware and doesn't take itself too seriously, but it's all approached so earnestly it almost becomes dark comedy.

I found the technique fresh and inspired, if sometimes confusing (ie: slapstick at a little kid's funeral?). Whether or not this oddity was caused by the English translation is irrelevant since the translation is, after all, part of the movie.

THE BAD: Nearly thirty minutes of screen time (all in the second half) is wasted by a huge dead-end plot line that hamstrings the initial fast-pace.

**SPOILER** The virus, the tests on our poor hero, agent yellow, all of it... just made no sense. They drill a hole in the main character's frontal lobe (after admitting there's no point to doing so) but then he's up running around hours later. Then the WHO (an unusual choice of villain) finally deploys their controversial, American-made biology-killing gas and a bunch people (and kids!) just stand around in the cloud occasionally giving perfunctory coughs. It's just ridiculous, and could have been cut in favor of a proper show-down with the beast in its sewer lair thirty minutes earlier. **END SPOILER**

Shortcomings aside, the Host is an enjoyable and considerably better than "bargain bin" monster flick. 6/10
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