Like the original, you'll feel like taking a shower after this one too.
13 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
While vacationing with her parents a teenage girl and her friend are kidnapped and brutalized by a gang of thugs. The tormentors then unwittingly spend the night at the home of the parents and needless to say, it will be one long night...

As a fan of the 70's horror genre, I was appalled to learn that Wes Craven's landmark horror-thriller was going to be remade for modern audiences. I wondered just how they would tone-down such a violent and disturbing classic for today's audiences without just ruining the entire film. Much to my surprise though this polished-looking remake actually retained much of the violent brutality of the original film.

I'll warn you up front folks, this isn't a film for all tastes, even the average horror fan may have a difficult time watching this one. Like the original film there's an effectively disturbing rape scene and some very bloody violence. While Last House 2009 does alter the story of the original somewhat, it stays fairly true to the shocking nature and gripping suspense that made the original a classic. It has some terrific action sequences and remains quite intense throughout. The cast delivers good performances, the cinematography is slickly done, and the guys at KNB create some excellent makeup work as usual.

My only complaint about the remake is the fact that it shy's away from the bleak ending of the original in favor of a more routine Hollywood ending. Still overall it remains a bold and effective effort.

All in all Last House 2009 is above-average by remake standards. It's solidly-made and remains engaging and tense all the way. Just don't forget it's pretty savage and definitely isn't for everybody!

*** out of ****
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