Two Weeks (2006)
Why this was rated "R," and about Sally Field's 2nd Oscar
9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
TWO WEEKS has at least three (3) f-words, one of which is right here in the "memorable quotes" section. If you have just two f-words or less, you're eligible for a PG-13 rating. If you have three, you're not. (One exception is ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, the 1976 winner of four Oscars, which got its original "R" rating changed to "PG" upon appeal when the producers explained you could not do a bio-pic about Richard Milhouse Nixon without having at least the 11 f-words which appeared in the final cut.) Believe it or not, most movie production people can count as high as three. Rationing out the f-words is the main way they CHOOSE their own rating. Anyone who watches TWO WEEKS will understand that the totally gratuitous f-words were included to "win" an "R" rating.

Regarding that second Oscar which Sally Field did NOT win for TWO WEEKS: yes, EVERY lead character was eligible to be nominated for 2007 acting honors, because the film was playing on as many as three screens during the month of March (see the "Box Office\Business" section here). But no person has been nominated this century in the acting categories for a film with a domestic gross of under $50,000, and TWO WEEKS raked in only $45,816.
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