Review of W.

W. (I) (2008)
I thought this movie was great!
23 February 2009
I thought this movie was great! I watched it out of pure curiosity, not expecting to be entertained or as hooked as I was. Josh Brolin was, in my opinion a great George W Bush, he seemed to capture the character really well, including the accent, and stupidity. The film is a little long but not once did I think "Jeez I wish this would hurry up and finish." I found it, as I said, interesting to see how Georges life was lived (through the directors eyes anyway). It did well to include his life from such an early "fraternal" time all the way up to his latest. I only gave it a 6.5 out of 10 due to the fact that while it was a good film, it's only a good film if your interested in it.
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