Good Timing, Hollywood
21 February 2009
Amazing how overly sensitive Hollywood can be - sometimes. Like when the Challenger shuttle blew up - you pulled the release of Spacecamp (1986), a movie about a space shuttle disaster. After the 9/11 attacks, you pulled Collateral Damage (2002).

But, when dealing with the Recession/Depression/Credit Crunch, something affecting tens of millions of families all over the world, causing debt, unemployment, homelessness, misery, a problem that will be ongoing for years, will you think about pulling a movie about a brainless bimbo who goes off and spends far more than she could possibly afford, on something as trivial and pointless as clothes and accessories? No. And why? Because despite churning out unfunny SNL alumni films and pointless remakes of movies and TV shows and bombastic Michael Bey explogasms, none of which people really want to see, you're still going to be in your jobs, driving around in your air-conditioned SUVs chugging down double iced mocha-choca-caffine frappacinos while ignoring the teeming masses on the pavements living in cardboard condos holding up signs saying Will Work For Food. Gee, I wish I was a movie executive.
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