Funny and timely
11 February 2009
"Confessions of a Shopaholic" is a chick flick romcom that you can take your daughter to see. You can take your mother to see it. Heck, you can take grandma. It's rated PG. No f-bombs. No naked people. No gun play.

Isla Fisher plays Rebecca Bloomfield, a journalist with an addiction to shopping. She gets into very deep debt. Kind of like our nation has done recently and is continuing to do. Not that this movie is intended to be any kind of political metaphor. It's just a cute and funny movie which any of us, male or female, can relate to---if we've ever accumulated too big a balance on our credit cards. (I know that I could've used a bailout a few times in my life!)

While the script provides some decent laughs, I loved Isla Fisher's physical comedy. She's good.

Hugh Dancy as the male lead was okay. But I'll leave the critique of his work to a female poster.

Always fun to see actors and actresses who you like but haven't seen on screen that much lately and "Shopaholic" has a few. Like Julie "Airplane" Hagerty and Wendy "Just Shoot Me/Dream On" Malick. Kristin Scott-Thomas, John Lithgow and, yes, Lynn Redgrave. Not to mention Joan Cusack and John Goodman as Rebecca's mom and dad.

For me, this is way more entertaining than last week's chick flick (the one which I'm just not that into). Even though that one had more star power, this one is the better movie, I think.
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