A few things missing, but overall a good entry to the series.
21 November 2008
In this direct follow up to Casino Royale, British secret agent James Bond embarks on a mission to take down the mysterious organization that Le Chiffre was working for, and also blackmailed Vesper Lynd into betraying Bond. Bond's new target is Dominic Greene, a proclaimed environmentalist with a crooked plan to buy up Bolivia's water supply before staging a coup d'etat. Bond maintains that he is simply fulfilling his duty, but M knows that he is acting purely out of vengeance for Vesper's death. Quantum of Solace is an action packed film, and definitely an enjoyable watch. It succeeds in taking James Bond in an entirely new direction, however there are certain things missing that could have made it that much better.

Despite what some movie critics and classic Bond purists will tell you, this is a very good James Bond film. Casino Royale was a reboot, and in rebooting the franchise, the makers of these films are trying to take the series in a new and more refreshing direction. Daniel Craig's James Bond is the coldest, most ruthless killing machine on the British secret service, just as he is described in Ian Fleming's novels. However, despite seeming almost robotic when he's doing what he needs to do, Daniel Craig is able to play Bond's more human side as well. Action scenes aren't so easy for Bond to get through anymore. He can miss his mark when he's making a jump, he can slip and fall, he can get hurt. What makes it better is that when he gets up and keeps going, you can see that he's in pain but he's fighting past it. He's also more human on an emotional level. There is a scene where he's sitting at a bar, drunk out of his mind, and staring at a picture of Vesper with a look of absolute heartbreak on his face. I think this is the most distraught I've seen Bond over a woman's death since On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I enjoyed how Bond made his way through this entire film without having to use any sort of special gadget. While Bond's gadgets are a trademark, I think this new take on the series is trying more for a sense of realism. I also think it makes James Bond seem much more capable when he's using his own strength and intelligence to get out of situations. I also enjoyed Dominic Greene, the main villain of this film. He was unlike any main villain I've seen in a James Bond film before. He was a small, meek looking man that only had his power to wield as a weapon, unlike most of the villains who appear menacing due to some trait like being mountainous in size, having a vicious scar or a bleeding eye. When he finally has to fight Bond, he is actually terrified out of his wits, blindly swinging an axe praying that he will hit Bond before Bond hits him, because he knows if that happens he'll be done for.

Now, as I said, this is in no way a bad James Bond film. It's taking the series in a great new direction. However, as a fan of the series overall, there are some things that I missed that I think should make a return. First of all, missing characters. While I don't feel it's completely necessary to bring Q back just yet, I think the famous M's secretary Miss Moneypenny should make a return soon. The scenes between Moneypenny and Bond are always a small highlight to the films, just to see how many smooth and flattering ways Bond can reject this poor woman. Secondly, while I do think that James Bond should be a more serious character than he has been in the past, I don't think it's necessary for his humour to disappear completely. I think the odd pun or one liner should be allowed to pop up here and there, and Quantum was completely devoid. The third problem I had with the film was that it seemed far too rushed, and the story wasn't all that fleshed out. I felt like this film was serving as filler material until the next film in the series when Bond will undoubtedly take the evil organization down. Also, I want the series to return to the format where each movie is disconnected from the last. And finally just a few nitpicks. The gun barrel sequence needs to be at the beginning of the movie. I felt like it was put at the end only to be different. Also, though the opening credits sequence was classic James Bond, the song could have been much better.

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