Review of Living Proof

Living Proof (2008 TV Movie)
Women from all over.
20 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I cried, but then again I cry at these types of stories anyhow. I cried not only for the Doctor and his family, for the women and their families and for myself. Like so many of these women, you don't ever expect to be the one that is told - "You have breast cancer", well I wasn't exactly told that, but they did tell me we see something on your films and want to do another. So for 2 weeks I waited to take that second test and then another week for the results. These were the longest weeks of my life. Everything stopped. I just waited until they called me at work. Not knowing what they were going to say, I was sitting with my head down and didn't say a word. Once they told me, I thanked them, hung up and sat there for a moment. I stood and turned to the ladies in my office with a cracking voice said... "everything is fine" and then burst into tears. Tears of relief, tears of joy, tears that I would continue my life as normal. They gathered round and hugged me, not realizing the weight I was carrying on my shoulders these past weeks. You never know until its you. I know some what these women have got through but not everything and I have to respect them for putting up a fight, for being brave and having the courage to go on. For their families to be supportive, understanding, and most of all loving and just being there for them. The Doctor for never giving up and knowing all along it would work, for his family sacrifice of 12 years of their lives while he worked on this.... the cure for Breast Cancer.
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