Shows promise which unfortunately goes mostly unfulfilled
14 October 2008
This film has a few original ideas but mostly it's just a pale imitation of better films with similar subject matter. So, if you're expecting something on par with Tarantino, Ritchie & Scorsese you will very likely be severely disappointed. Also, with Paul Walker in the lead role, you should know not to expect any Oscar-worthy performances. However, these limitations aside, the movie proves to be not entirely unwatchable.

Successful movies of this type normally contain a lot of snappy dialogue. Unfortunately, Wayne Kramer's script has very little in the way of memorable quotes. To my mind the plot is also lacking. It's all just one big mess of a story (actually a couple of parallel stories) strung together by coincidences rather than separate stories that intersect at opportune moments. As you might expect, character development is practically non-existent for most of the large supporting cast.

However, there is one bright spot in the storyline. I will admit that the scenes surrounding the child-abducting couple were very effective. Very little is shown but there is a subtle sense of menace that creates an incredible atmosphere. Interestingly, Kramer modeled this encounter after the fairy tale of Hansel & Gretel, within a larger concept of populating his story with fairy tale archetypes. That is a great idea but, unfortunately, very little is done with it. The closing credits are done with a fairy tale style of illustration as well.

At the other end of the spectrum, there's a Tarantinoesque scene wherein Joey asks Oleg what kind of music he likes and ends up playing some music demonstrating his own tastes. He proceeds to play "I Don't Want to Go Home" by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. That, folks, is an utterly pathetic song choice, even if the director's intent was to (sort of) mirror the kid's sentiments.

Kramer's direction isn't too bad but clearly the emphasis is on style over substance with every kind of camera and editing trick used and abused. Some shots are inventive but the overall approach is definitely hit or miss.

This film might have been a decent copycat crime flick were it not for some of the lame plot points and twists that Kramer throws at us. If only he had developed his fairy tale motif a little better then he might have produced something noteworthy. As it is, I can only recommend this movie to action/crime/thriller junkies & Paul Walker fans.
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