A Movie That Made Me Cry
29 August 2008
I normally don't cry in movies. Forrest Gump, Big Fish, Schindler's List, and many others have passed before my eyes, and not a tear has been shed. I consider myself a lover of cinema, with an appreciation for the art of film. I love many genres, including comedy, action, and of course, zombie movies. All of this aside, I watched "Disaster Movie" this afternoon, and it elicited one emotion from me: Anger.

I have never been so irritated in all of my adult life by a movie. I have watched these cretins put out all of this filth that masquerades as "entertainment", and have held my tongue until now. I will say this right now: anyone who finds these movies entertaining should be ashamed of themselves. I generally believe that people can have whatever opinion they want, but people that actually like these movies are contributing to the downfall of the art form of cinema. By encouraging LionsGate to continue making these horrendous movies, all we are doing is perpetrating a cultural crime that we may never be able to fix. I grow weary of the multitudes who flock to theaters to see this garbage, and I weep for the future of our nation if this is what passes for entertainment these days.

None of the jokes are funny. The parodies of films like "Juno" and "10,000 BC" fail to amuse, and even the lampooning of unexplainable culture phenomena like Hannah Montana and Amy Winehouse is an exercise in futility. No one has ever tried to do more with fecal matter and farm animals than this movie did, and it failed miserably.

I beg all of you, as a lover of movies, not to see this film. It is an absolute atrocity, and I guarantee you will feel stupider for having watched it.

PS: I work at a theater, so the only reason I even saw this movie was for job purposes. I didn't pay to see it, and neither should you.
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