The Rocker (2008)
The Rocker has a really funny beginning, even the middle is fun, but the conclusion was horrible
26 August 2008
I don't know why, from the trailer I didn't really want to see The Rocker, it looked like another silly teenage comedy, but I had the opportunity to see it for free and decided to go ahead and give it a fair chance. So I saw it yesterday and honestly, I thought it was a pretty decent comedy, much better than I expected. But it fell flat and became a predictable movie, I don't mind them every once in a while, but this story could have had a better ending that surprised us all. I love Rainn Wilson, ever since I saw him way back in House of 1000 Corpses, I just thought something strange stood out about this guy, he eventually became bigger in the hit TV show The Office. He's now the new male lead in a comedy, now he's decent, he did make me laugh like crazy in a lot of his scenes, but I think he could have held his own a little better, he's good, but he's not great as a leading comedic actor.

He plays Fish, a drummer for a rock band that later goes platinum after kicking him out. His life as an adult isn't so great, the band is doing very well even 20 years later. Fish moves in with his sister, his nephew asks him to play drums in his band when their drummer can't play with them any more, but later Fish gets in trouble with his sister and can't live with her any more. But his nephew sets up a way through the internet and camera's, but when Fish doesn't know the camera is filming him naked, a new internet era is born of the Naked Drummer. ADD, the band he's playing with his nephew, becomes huge and fame takes a tole on the kids as well as Fish's old age.

Now over all, I did like The Rocker, I think it's worth a matinée price, it's a fun and silly comedy that gives you a few good laughs. Mainly by Rainn Wilson, I couldn't help but laugh hysterically when he finds out the band is kicking him out and he jumps on the van that they're driving away in and is holding on by his drum sticks, sounds stupid, but when you see the look on his face, it reminds you of The Terminator 2: Judgement Day with the T-1000. Like I said, the ending flops a bit though, I think they could have done something different, but it's a good movie for laughs. Like I said if you want to see it in the theater, I'd recommend the matinée, but otherwise it's just a rental.

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