So very bad
17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Lord in heaven do I hate this film! There I said it! To misquote Mystery Science Theater 3000 "I want to hurt this film, but I don't think I can hurt it as much as it has hurt me".

There is not a second of this film I cared about Ashley Judd's character, even when she was accused of her husbands murder... of course she didn't actually do it but I still would have loved to see her sent to the chair, does that make me a bad person? Anyway, when it all looks like it could be going south in her murder case she asks her BFF to look after her son.

Sure her parents are still around but apparently they are such hideous creatures we don't even need to be told why the very idea of leaving him with them is unthinkable.

Ashley is found guilty and goes to jail and after a few months both her friend and her son disappear. After tracking down a phone number Ashely calls her (former) gal pal and demands to talk to her son... only to have her son shout "Daddy" when Ashley's supposedly dead hubby wanders through the door.

Ashley then turns to the worlds worst lawyer (who is also doing time... most would consider this as a big clue as to how bad this woman's legal advice would be) who tells her that, because of the legal principle of double jeopardy she is now free to kill her husband, as she has already been found guilty and served time for the crime. I cannot even begin to explain all that is wrong with that statement... just look it up for yourself.

Armed with this new and INCREDIBLY incorrect knowledge Ashley get paroled and sets off to find her hubby, her slut former friend and her unattractive child. First stop of course is her parents for money.

Hang on! Is this the same parents that she appeared to have cut out of her life and refused to let have custody of her son earlier? Apparently yes... and despite living what appears to be a small and slightly run down farm Ashley's mom comes through big time, handing over her life savings without so much as an I-told-you-so! According to this film people who work hard and will give you the shirt off their back are to be avoided...

Anyway, Ashley tracks her husband down (on the way finding out that he may have killed her former friend in an insurance scam), takes a few photos, sends them to the authorities and clear her name. She sells her story for millions and goes on Oprah to promote her autobiographer.... just kidding.

Of course what you would really do in this situation is confront your two timing, probably murderous spouse and promise to leave him alone as long as you get your kid... even though it means both you and your child will be on the run for the rest of your lives for breaching your parole.... Oh and did I mention that you agree to meet up to discuss the details of the arrangement in a graveyard? For God's sake, hubby should have gone for broke and demanded she meet him in a fireworks factory, covered in petrol and holding a lighted match!

The film drags on to it's conclusion, with the only real entertainment being the discussions you have with your friends as to whether Tommy Lee Jones was actually ever on set, or if they just edited in scenes from his performance in The Fugitive directly into this piece of crap
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