Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Not very good
12 July 2008
I like Sci-fi and always have. I can remember how much i loved the old Star Wars-movies when i was little and growing up reading loads and loads of SF-books. And i still do, although my tastes are maybe a bit different now. But still, i always loved science-fiction.

The TV-series exploring that genre are seldom good. I can say that right away. While some of them have something special (like my much beloved Babylon 5), most of them lack both in funds and bright ideas. A show like Star Wars have never really done it for me, there is just not enough happening. I guess i have always been drawn to the more action-oriented series. And so of course i had to check out the new Battlestar Galactica series.

And what did i think? Well, at first i didn't know what to think. I can't say that i ever loved it, but then again i did watch three whole seasons before i suddenly decided that i was finished with it. The show is plagued by many of the problems that exist in most SF-series. It has weak special effects, rather silly props (people driving hum-vees, using today's weapons etc.) and a bunch of actors that are not up to standard. Some of them are quite good though, although too much of the supporting cast is lousy. The story and script is not that bad really, although it sometimes feels a bit simplistic.

In general Battlestar Galactica doesn't suck. It's a definite champion over crap like the Stargate-franchise and many other shows in that style. But still, it doesn't really do it for me. I watched three seasons in short order (on DVD and the last episodes on TV), but there is nothing really that makes me want to watch the fourth season. No reason to keep at it. So i'll stop, and i'm not even sure it was fun while it lasted. Right now it just feels like some gray mist where i can't even really remember what the show was about. I guess though that if i put up with three seasons of it, it can't have been all bad. Just not very good.
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