Review of The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone (1983)
Average Cronenberg-King Adaptation
9 July 2008
First of all, let me say that I liked "The Dead Zone". The problem, if there's one, is that there's a dream team at work here: David Cronenberg, Stephen King and Christopher Walken. It couldn't go wrong. And it didn't. Sorta.

This is probably the most accessible movie from Cronenberg, even more so than the recent (and good) "Eastern Promises" and "History Of Violence", or even "The Fly".

Stephen King's story is interesting, although it is not one of his most inspiring.

And Walken does a fine job, as usual.

So what we have here are three very talented people working on a movie that could have been fantastic, but it's just good. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The story is told in a very linear way, the direction seems constrained at times and the acting is good. The score by Michael Kamen is nothing memorable, but it is effective. The ending is fitting, as well.

I don't really want to discuss the plot, as it is very straightforward. Just read the tagline and the plot description on IMDb, you'll know if this is the kind of movie for you.

That's my only problem with the film. I was expecting something awesome because of the people involved, but it turns out that this is just a good movie. I was left a bit disappointed, but I have to recommend it, specially if your expectations are not too high.

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