Bogey Goes Giallo-Trash
14 May 2008
Ferdinando Merighi's "Casa d'appuntamento" aka "French Sex Murders" of 1972 sure is anything but a Giallo-highlight, and yet I warmly recommend this delightfully trashy little flick to all my fellow fans of Italian Horror cinema. The plot is overall pretty silly, but the film scores with a trashy atmosphere, some sleaze and cheap but cool gore-effects, and a cast that includes quite a few familiar faces for cult-cinema fans. "Killer Nun" Anita Eckberg shines in the role of a brothel madam and the regular Eurocult actress Rosalba Neri has the role of a seductive bar singer. The film furthermore stars Jess Franco-regular Howard Vernon and Robert Sacchi, who is basically a low-budget Italian version of Humphrey Bogart (Sacchi looks just like Bogey, and it's hard to believe he was only in his early 30s when the film was made) in the role of the investigating police detective. Even veteran B-Movie star Gordon Mitchell has a tiny role! My main reason for looking forward to seeing this film was the ravishing Barbara Bouchet, a true cult-cinema goddess and the female star of two personal favorites of mine, Fernando Di Leo's masterpiece "Milano Calibro 9" (1972), and Luci Fulci's Giallo-highlight "Don't Torture A Duckling" (also 1972). Even though she sadly has little screen time, Bouchet is once again ravishing, and her sheer presence grades the film up a bit in my personal appreciation.

The film, which mainly takes place in a Paris brothel, revolves around murders of prostitutes, investigated by a cynical and Bogart-ish police inspector... I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but I can assure that it is somehow messy and yet very entertaining. The film is overall quite (but not exceptionally) sleazy and has a delightful trash-factor. The gore scenes are, of course, not too professionally made, but nonetheless quite effective. The funky repetition and colorization of murder sequences was very odd, but also somehow amusing. I would recommend to look for a subtitled Italian version - the uncut DVD I watched was a messy mixture of English, German and French, which was even more odd as two characters, who are husband and wife in the German language version, were obviously Father and Daughter in the English dubbed version (as from the context, they must have been Husband/Wife in the original Italian language version). Overall, "French Sex Murders" (or, "The Bogeyman and The French Murders", as one of the many aka. titles reads) is certainly not a good Giallo, but it is nonetheless an entertaining low-budget production that my fellow Cult-cinema fans should enjoy. Recommended.
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