Review of Carrier

Carrier (2008– )
12 May 2008
If this is an accurate portrayal of the US Navy, it sure has changed drastically since I served in Vietnam on the USS Coral Sea from 1967 to 1969. The general cleanliness of the ship was disgusting. I had never seen so many different uniforms (I am not talking about the color of the flight deck personnel's shirts). The attitude of the ship's company. The "long" periods away from home. (Six months isn't even a football season). The belly-aching about not dropping weapons. I bet if they did drop they would be belly-aching about the under-way replenishments every three days to re-arm with ordinance. This to me was a big soap opera. What did these people think they signed up for in the first place? It is like life, you do you job to the best of you ability and cowboy-up. What are they going to do on the outside? I just can not believe that the Navy has come to the point portrayed in this series. We could not even have an article of civilian clothing on board let alone wear it on liberty call. Unbelievable.
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