Power Corps. (2004)
The Best/Worst movie of all time
13 April 2008
I have been reading nothing but bad reviews on this movie, and yes I have watched it. Although it is a horrible movie and an insult to film production, it is a great movie in it's same right. All of these people who tear this movie apart missed the beauty of the whole concept, hilarity. The movie is more of a joke than anything and as much as I wish I had been able to take those 2 hours of my life back, I LOVE this movie now. It is a movie that takes time to grow on you. Also, if you don't like B Rated movies and like the blockbuster Hits, then stop renting them :P lol. This movie and Ginger Dead man are both in my collection of the best/worst movies of all time. personally I recommend watching this movie at least once because I am sure that you will come to see that it is not a complete waste of your time, because there is always a silver lining. Just always keep in mind that it is a B RATED MOVIE AT BEST :P Man I love em!
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