Review of The Descent

The Descent (2005)
I can't believe this movie has a good score...
2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe i missed something. That HAS to be it. This movie was one of the worst horror films I've seen in... well, just a couple of weeks. It's SO dam hard to make a good scary movie today, I feel for the people trying to accomplish this mission. I've been a horror fan my entire life; granted, i was born in '85, but who's counting? This movie just didn't follow any continuity- the monster isn't revealed until an hour in (which is fine), but there is no suspense up to that moment. It's just a bunch of girls bickering and drama between mourning, sexual affairs and outright backstabbing. Then, 2 seconds later, MONSTER. Who apparently is a human evolved into blindness and echo location sensitive, but can't find the two girls breathing like maniacs 16inches below him, in front of his face. I will acknowledge the poetic symbolism in some scenes- we all know what I'm talking about. And, I probably have it wrong, but the end is this- she'll never get away from the evils of her past...??? Wrong? Please, I would LOVE someone to convince me this movie is more than a 5/10.
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