Review of Dr. No

Dr. No (1962)
A great Bond film for those who hate all the silly gadgets
23 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have trouble enjoying most of the James Bond films because I also read the books. The original Ian Fleming books generally had nothing to do with the films other than the title and the books also differed in many ways concerning Bond--his style, his personality and mission. Bond was NOT a love 'em and leave 'em guy in the books. Sure, he slept with some women, but he was far less randy and was more of a cold-blooded character. While Bond is too suave and nice in this film, he was closer to the real Bond than any of the subsequent Sean Connery movies. As far as the plot goes, this film was also much closer to the original source material--though Dr. No was NOT operating a nuclear base and his ending was far less exciting in the book (believe it or not, he was crushed to death by a load of guano in the Fleming story).

In addition to being more faithful, I also liked this Bond because this is the only time I can remember Bond actually killing someone in cold-blood. In the wonderful bedroom scene, he COULD have let the would-be murderer go, but instead took pleasure in playing with his victim like a cat playing with a mouse. It may just be one of the best Bond scenes ever.

Something else that really stood out for the better in this film was Jack Lord as the first of many Felix Leiters. Oddly, in each film, a different guy played this CIA man. I don't know why they didn't try to keep a consistent actor for the role, but I bet they didn't use Lord again because I am sure many ladies in the audience thought he was better looking than Connery--something that might distract from his movie image. If you don't believe me, look at the later Leiters--all rather homely or non-distinctive. Oddly, one, from THUNDERBALL, looked a bit like Danno from Hawaii 5-0--but he was given so little screen time that there wasn't a chance to steal any of Connery's glory.

All in all, there was very little not to like in this action-packed but more believable Bond film. Sure, it was different from the book, but this is one case where I think this actually wasn't a problem--the way the book ended was pretty anticlimactic. See this and you've seen the best Sean Connery Bond film, as it's intelligently written and rather free of the usual silly gadgetry.
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