Unoriginal, glorified "soap opera" style video
27 February 2008
It was a Huge disappointment. A Pathetic collection of disjointed scenes. The direction and vision of the director was poor at best. While watching it, I kept asking myself, "What was the purpose of the exercise?" The tacky, cheap nature, feels like it came from a concept for a Chinese TV commercial. I felt ripped off by investing my time in to watch it and will never get those two hours back. In all honesty, I found it to be more nauseating than anything. The performances were Not believable or real... like watching a student film. Paint by numbers plot/story line. It was categorized as "Drama / Romance" although I can't see it... especially the romance aspect. It's just so fake and it's been done a dozen times before - but much better.

PS. This guy should be doing Karaoke videos! He might actually make some money at.
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