Flying Blind (1992–1993)
Tea Leoni's "Coming Out ",basically
2 February 2008
No,I don't mean Tea came out as a lesbian(what a shock for David Ducovny!),I mean "coming out" as akin to a Sweet Sixteen party. Previously known for her non-speaking part in the 1992 Summer blockbuster "A League of Their Own",Leoni here is given every opportunity to shine as the free-spirited artist and sex-kitten Alicia who is in a fairly(try highly)unlikely romance with nebbishy suit Neil(Corey PArker). This show got plenty of opportunity from FOX to stick in there--if I recall correctly,all twenty-two or twenty-three episodes were ran on the same slot(9:30/8:30 CST)Sundays,in back of such network successes as "MArried With Children" and "Herman's Head"--and still managed to be canceled. I'm not sure as to EXACTLY why this show got pushed off the air,and until they make a "E!True Hollywood Stories"(or something to that regard)on Ms.Leoni,I doubt we'll ever really know.

I watched this fairly faithfully,and it was predominantly because of Ms.Leoni's combination of breathy sexuality and her decent(with potential for improvement)comedic timing. PArker as the schlemiel was the right counter-balance,and contrary to what a few critics have described,I DO happen to think that this romance could've lasted another season,perhaps into a marriage. THe conflict of each show was primarily how this unlikely relationship could withstand the strains of both sides of the equation--namely Alicia's artsy,breezy and pretentious friends and former lovers versus Neil's kvetching,almost stereotypical parents(Michael BArusch was the dad,the mom's name escapes me for the moment)and his leering,equally hopeless friends--and thus kept the viewer guessing how it would affect their bond. While I was somewhat disappointed that this show wasn't retained,I was neither completely surprised nor really crestfallen. I figured a show that banked itself on a very tenuous relationship would probably run out of gas(read:fresh script ideas and plot devices)to keep its momentum for more than a season or two. If you can find this on DVD(Assuming it IS on DVD),you might want to check this out.
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