Entertaining if not taken seriously
29 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The LawnMower man was a great sci-fi movie, the effects may look dated now but at the time they were groundbreaking. The CG effects reminded me of a video game and I still find they kind of cool to watch. LawnMower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (Renamed LawnMower Man 2: Jobe's War for the video release.) isn't too bad, it may not be has good as the first LawnMower Man but it is an entertaining sci-fi movie. The effects are good, the Virtual Reality effects are not has video game looking as the first LawnMower Man but still alight. Instead of using 3D most of the Virtual Reailty effects are just real locations. The acting in this film is so-so since some of the performances are okay and some are bad, LawnMower Man 2 does have a few plot holes that messes up the ending of the first film, one is that in the first film Jobe destroyed his psychical body to create a virtual body but in this film Jobe's body is still intact. Another thing is that the world has turned into a futuristic world in just a few years, how did the city become so high-tech that quickly? These plot holes made the film more entertaining since it's so bad it's good.

The film sees the base being destroyed and a group of people searching the wreckage, they find Jobe and rescue him. After being revived Jobe is sent into cyberspace again to help create a new project called Virtual Light which is a huge virtual world. Some years later and the programme is slowly becoming more complete, Jobe's friend Peter is now a teenager and lives with his friends in the subway. After going into Virtual Reality Peter meets Jobe who asks him to find a man who helped start the Virtual Light programme since he needs to understand how to use the Computer Chip, the device that makes the Virtual Light work. Peter finds him and takes him to their hideout, there Peter discovers that Jobe has became more ruthless and different then when he first met him. Soon they learn that Jobe is planning on using the Virtual Light world to make a new society, he plans on making the real world chaotic so people will have no choice but to enter Virtual Light and Jobe will be the ruler of it all. They then try to stop Jobe before he completes Virtual Light and carries out his plan.

LawnMower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace isn't too bad, it may not be for everyone's taste but if you're a fan of cheesy sci-fi movies then this film may be worth a look. Check this out. 10/10
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