Not Bad if a Bit Too Melodramatic
13 January 2008
Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson star as a pair of tragic, lovestruck Americans who fall in love in Paris following the end of World War II. Johnson's character, a newspaper correspondent, is haunted by the fact he can never seem to get that first novel published while Taylor's character is youthful and wants only to live each day to the fullest. The film glosses over bits and pieces of their lives together using a flashback as the key means of accomplishing this. At times, it seems a bit too melodramatic in terms of its emotional presentation and really too much of the story is quickly brushed over and not examined in enough depth but there was a lot of ground to cover here and no doubt they wanted a tighter paced film. Overall it's a pretty good movie with some quality performances from Van Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor, Donna Reed as Taylor's sister who's disappointed Johnson didn't pick her over Taylor, Walter Pidgeon as the girls' father who also embraces the live every day as though it were your last philosophy and finally Eva Gabor and Roger Moore as infidelity temptation for the married couple.
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