Mindwarp (1991)
4 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In a post-apocalyptic future, an "Inworlder", Judy(Marta Alicia)resists the Infinisynth way of life, wishing to experience reality instead of the paradise of pure fantasy(why?)where the world can be created at her choosing. There are few lucky enough to be an Inworlder and Judy wishes to go above ground and see the real world. Her mother embraces Infinisynth and has practically abandoned Judy for the fantasy world she's hooked into to. Judy wishing to communicate with her mother, is able to enter her fantasy causing a system malfunction. This system error kills Judy's mom, and she finally is allowed by the Systems Operator(the person/godhead over maintaining the Infinisynth program with an overhead helmet and these peculiar wires which stem from it emitting blue light)to have her wish. These mysterious police drug her with a hypodermic and Judy awakens on the cold, barren surface. Almost sinking in a quicksand death-trap, Judy is rescued by "Crawlers", mutated cannibals who scavenge the surface at the command of a leader from underground. She is to be taken somewhere, but Stover(Bruce Campbell), a regular human whose ancestry have since perished as the surface is an unforgiving place often causing "brain disease", nasty facial sores, and death, saves her by vanquishing them with his crossbow and sword. They fall in love but are soon kidnapped by mutants and carried into a "Crawler's hole" which tunnels straight into an underground hellhole of darkness, garbage, and junk-metal.

Underground, led by a homicidal, psychopathic intellectual named Seer(Angus Scrimm)who was once an Inworlder has the cannibal mutants under his command, adapting a religion and totalitarian environment where his voice is one of power and dread. The Crawlers are hideous with no language, just grunting...they are mostly used as workers trying to find anything of value from civilization of long ago(such as the motor of a blender)and when no longer of use(such as one mutant whose hand is chopped off in an accident)are put away. Cornelia(Elizabeth Kent)is Seer's sore-spotted maiden(the marks on her face do not remove her slight beauty, though), with a nasty attitude, who has a slave named Claude(Wendy Sandow), a timid mute who has been rendered quite fragile and weak by this underground world that would remove the strength of many a normal person. Judy will try to coerce Claude into helping free her from the bondage of leather arm straps, while Stover, put to work with the mutants, has removed the blade from a bender hatching a plan of escape. A cruel bit of irony is that Seer might be someone Judy has been looking for..his plans to pro-create with Judy add a grotesque spin to this already blood-drenched gore-fest. What one must never forget is the Infinisynth machine and the world Judy was "released from." Even though it seems the film is about escaping this society of monsters led by a pure human madman, the Inworld way of life doesn't completely fade from the plot.

If you like the Mad Max films, this might be up your alley. Bruce makes a great hero, even though he finds himself always at odds against many more men often besieging him before he can save the woman he loves. The underground hellhole and Scrimm as the mutants' Messiah add an extra bit of "fun" to this B-movie gore-fest. There's one scene where Scrimm's Seer removes the eyeball of a victim before throwing her into a chopping machine that drenches blood from the one being cut to ribbons for a ceremonial drinking(..no, I'm not kidding). Bruce gets a chance to slice throats, penetrate blades through mutant scum, even sword-fight with Angus. Scrimm displays his menace with a guilty-free calm..he's flat-out bonkers, but carries himself like a quiet gentleman which makes him even more the creep than the typical over-the-top lunatic that often portrays these kind of characters. Marta Alicia is okay, I guess, but she's damned sexy so she's granted a reprieve if her character of Judy fails to truly grab you. I say see this if you liked the recent sequel to Alexander Aja's remake of "Hills Have Eyes"..both resemble a lot. I don't think it's all that memorable despite carrying two horror icons. The most unpleasant sequence, other than Scrimm's chopping machine, is when these leech-like sea-slugs enter Campbell's body, crawling underneath his flesh towards the back of his neck(how they are released is also a nasty bit of business, I must say).
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