Enjoyably unsubtle, hot-headed saga with Heston perfectly cast...
17 November 2007
George Pal was the ideal producer for a melodrama set in the South American jungles, wherein 20 miles of soldier ants overtake the villages and plantations. Also a perfect fit, Charlton Heston is right at home playing the stubborn, consistently-irritated coffee plantation owner who takes on the ants--and his mail-order bride, a New Orleans widow with a temper of her own! Colorful nonsense has some sloppy editing and dubbing, but plenty of florid dramatics and a tense final reel. As the "proxy bride", Eleanor Parker uses her cool-fire beauty and glinting eyes to good effect; her character (as written) is thinly-conceived, yet Parker's solid acting helps fill in the blanks and we understand a great deal more about this perplexing woman simply from the performance alone. Heston looks good with Parker on-screen, though happy, hairy-chested government official William Conrad looks like he might want to scoop Eleanor up at any moment (and he's so congenial, she may not mind!). The film might have benefited from a longer running-time (this scenario seems condensed, though not distilled), and as a result the love story is rushed along, yet it's a fast-paced, atmospheric, faux-exotic piece of Hollywood escapism, and quite enjoyable. *** from ****
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