Review of Saw IV

Saw IV (2007)
Pulp Serial
26 October 2007
Let's just call it what it is. The SAW series has become a comic book serial. Each movie adds new twists to lengthen, but not necessarily deepen, the overall story. This time out, they left me hanging (pardon the pun) so to speak. The intersecting timelines that were so surprising the first time around were more confusing than shocking. Also the motivations of Jigsaw were much less righteous, if that term can be applied, than in previous games. I half expect Saw V to put a person through a test because he didn't help Little Johnny with his homework and instead watched The World Series of Poker.

As far as traps go, this was the least cringe-worthy of the bunch, even if they were brutal and inventive. More important than that was the back story, which finally built the John Kramer character from the ground up and put us in his creepy head (both literally and figuratively). By the time you've survived the latest game, you'll be left wondering if there is an end game or if all the cards have been played.

I think the serial nature of these movies is fresh, but the latest installment, stretches the premise about as far as it can go. It's a miracle it doesn't snap and fall in on itself.
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