Power Corps. (2004)
This movie will make you homicidal or suicidal
14 October 2007
I have never been so utterly disgusted with a film in my entire life.The entire movie I maintained the same expression-- brows furrowed, mouth hanging open, eyes squinted in disbelief. It is a blatant INSULT to the entire effing planet that some sociopath ignoramus decided to bring this torturous abomination to film. During the movie, you will want to vomit so frequently that you will want to make sure that you stay clear of any therapists for a week; they'll ask if you're bulimic. This vile, stinking, pile of garbage is basically about these idiotic military troopers who battle sci-fi monsters on an alien planet. And that's as far as the plot goes. All of you sad souls trying to give the movie little bits of credit, of approving nods... were you an acid? Perhaps in some pitiful, desperate attempt to be "cool," the movie had a few nude scenes. The first was right after opening credits, and this is when I suddenly realized I had begun to watch one of the worst movies of all time. The guy and girl appear to be on some metal platform in space, and for the love of god, I must say... pure shame on whoever was in charge of the backdrop for this scene, it made me want to stab my eyes out. Can I be any more clear? If you value your sanity and want to stay out of the psychiatric ward, stay away from this movie. If you see a DVD of it, help make the world a better place and set it on fire. If the store that was selling the DVD catches on fire too, then it serves them right for ever having the notion that this movie was worth ANYTHING.
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