Entourage: The Cannes Kids (2007)
Season 4, Episode 12
I've seen better episodes but still the best show on TV
3 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit I'm a little disappointed where this show seems to be going... it's starting to get a bit convoluted I liked the earlier stuff when it was a lot lighter and fun. This episode still had a few of good moments, but I feel the writers either didn't put the effort or ran out of time before the end of the season. Either way they did fill the finale with a few characters I really liked from former episodes. Harvey at his angriest and Nicky at his nuttiest but I hope I've seen the last of Billy Walsh, I know he's the guy we're supposed to hate but I just find his character annoying. Harvey Weinstein is a way better conflict point and should be focused on more. Johnny "drama" carried this episode with his clothes,(stylin') his outburst at the hotel and and his long search for his french love interest, I would love to see that continued next season. As for "medellin" not much of a surprise, of course it sucked, I'm sure we all new this would happen, but the writers redeemed themselves by letting us think all was good for 75 mil. and then pulling the rug out from under us, and having Harvey drop in for 1$ was a touch of genius. Also I'm happy to see things with Dana Gordon didn't work out I hate the idea of Ari kissing her ass, although they still have "silo" to deal with...looking forward to next season. Also can't wait for "curb your enthusiasm"s season premiere Sept. 9 This is the show to watch for all of you who have worn out you "seinfeld" DVDs, this is the next best thing.
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