12 August 2007
My girlfriend and i rented this film to have an entertaining night. Some kind of cheesy horror flick, we thought. The name Argento sounded familiar to me, i've not seen any of his films, so i thought we did OK by renting this.

After 5 minutes of watching we already knew that this was a mistake: the acting looked horrible and for some reason unknown to me, the film was dubbed. The dubbing is one of the baddest examples of dubbing i've ever seen. The dubbed sound isn't mixed or properly taken care of.

Later on we found out that the dubbing and acting aren't the only bad things about this film: the plot looks like it's been written by someone on drugs. There are SO many plot holes that all actions lose their function. Besides that, clearly no one bothered to do some research on police departments, poker games, or any other aspect displayed in this film. Therefore this film is an insult to anything the film shows.

Baddest of all is the music. any kind of tension or other mood is completely ruined by the dominant soundtrack of the film. I'm sure that EVERYONE who ever made music on his PC could have made something better.

besides that i expected gore, but this movie could be PG13.

This Argento dude is a filmmaker from who i hope never to see a film again. a I'm sure that if you make a film yourself, it'll be better.
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