Worst Movie Of 2007
7 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucked. People are treating this movie like The English Patient. They say 10 stars, but this movie was the complete opposite. The plot was pointless, and was as bad as Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie. It's just a thing washes up on shore with a satanic bunny rabbit that does weird things that are just stupid. It has no meaning, then something has to do with Buddhism, and that's when everything goes downhill like a plane falling from 30,000ft. The power in Seattle goes out, and no one takes it seriously. The FBI guys take their family, and the little girl doesn't have the Mimzy with her. The FBI leader comes and says, "You're under arrest for a nation security emergency." The little girl goes "Can I get something?" Then with major stupidity he says, "Sure, go." And she runs into the room, and back out with the Mimzy. Did it ever occur to him that she could be raised as a terrorist? I mean seriously, horrible movie. There were scenes where the most impossible things were happening, and the kids kept a straight face like ABSOLUTELY NOTHING was happening. I'm surprised people said this movie was good. The first question I asked was, "Whats' up with the title?" The second was, "What the heck was that?!" This movie was one of the worst I've ever seen, and cheesiness out of Pokemon. The place where they take their family is a secure government facility for possible terrorists. Then, there is only one door locked out of the whole building, and one security camera in the hall. The Mimzy opens the door and turns off the security camera and unlocks the door. Hooray for plot convenience! Then find a truck and Mimzy hot-wire's it. They drive at like 3 AM on public roads without seat belts. Then send the Mimzy to the future with almost the little girl getting her right hand chopped off all because she likes satanic bunny rabbits. In the end you see children randomly flying away like they're about to get sucked into space. This was simply a movie to laugh at and the worst of 2007. Don't see this movie.
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