Sleepwalkers (1992)
6 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While many adaptations of his books are mediocre, screenplays written by Stephen King himself include Rose Red, a fun haunted house tale, and the creepy The Storm of the Century. Sadly, Sleepwalkers is an unwatchable film with no entertainment value whatsoever.

Charles (Brian Krause) and his mother (Alice Krige) are vampire-like creatures, able to assume both monstrous and human appearance. Hilariously, they are also afraid of cats, their mortal enemies. The two monsters move to a new town, where Charles befriends a classmate (Madchen Amick), planning to kill her.

Not much happens, so the movie tries to stretch itself as long as possible with ludicrously gory scenes of vampires killing extras, plus endless shots of cats meowing and running around the house of the evil family.

Sleepwalkers is campy but tedious; although the "vampires versus cats" encounters should be hysterical, the stupidity is also partly intentional. If you are making a lousy horror movie, at least have the decency to play it straight, because the moment you wink at the audience ("Hey, we know it's garbage!"), you kill the fun.

Buried behind overacting, stupidity and bad taste there is an attempt to humanize monsters and show their solitude and sadness: a potentially interesting idea, but it couldn't have been executed worse. Avoid this one like a plague.

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