Postcards to Paris.
8 July 2007
The concept give twenty directors 5 minutes each to make a short film set in Paris and then put them together in such a way as to create a coherent film. The result is mixed but overall pretty good. With the city of love as a backdrop you get tales of people falling in and out of love with each other and the French capital itself. There are happy stories, sad stories, funny stories and the truly bizarre. Each segment has its own charm and being so short if there's one you're not liking its not long until you're on to the next, basically there isn't enough time for any to outstay there welcome. Stand out ones for me were Tom Tykwer's 'Faubourg Saint-Denis' in which he utilises some of the flair he showed in 'Run Lola run' and redeems himself after the appalling 'Perfume', the triumphant return of the Cohen brothers with 'Tuileries' which not only stars the fabulous Steve Buscemi but also has some great laughs, Sylvain Chomet's comical 'Tour Eiffel' which takes the idea of the French mime artist and turns it stylishly on its head and Vinsenzo Natali's 'Quartier de la Madeleine' which is probably the most visual, shot in black and white with bright red blood in the style of 'Sin City' it tells of vampires that lurk the late night streets. For any one who loves any of the directors and for anyone that loves the city then this film is a must see, I also enjoyed spotting where I had stayed in the segment called 'Pigalle' as well as other places I have visited. A brilliant concept and well executed it not only showcases a host of great writer/directors but a wealth of acting talent. Just like the American lady in the very funny '14ème Arrondissement' I love Paris and you will too.
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