Good Movie! I Loved it!
5 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had wanted to see this film because I am a fan of the two lead actors, Billy Bob Thornton and Jon Heder. And I had heard that it was a really funny movie. It had to be funny! The thought of tough guy Billy Bob teaching a self respect class is a funny premise anyway. And Jon Heder, the nice, quiet guy being taught by Billy Bob just adds to the comedy. And, being a fan of Napoleon Dynamite and Blades of Glory, I had to see Jon Heder in this film. And needless to say I was not disappointed in the least. It was as every bit as funny as I had hoped. But it also had some drama mixed in with it that I had not expected. But the drama worked in this film. And I was pleased. So basically the plot involves a loser meter-maid named Roger, played by Heder, who is nervous and prone to panic attacks and passes out when he tries to speak to a girl he has a crush on named Amanda, played by Jacinda Barrett, who lives down the hall from him in their apartment building. One day Roger's friend Dave, played by David Cross, tells him about this class that he took to help him build up his self confidence and get girls. So Roger takes Dave's advice and pays for the class and attends. It is taught by Dr. P, played wonderfully by Billy Bob Thornton and his assistant Lescher, played by Michael Clark Duncan. Dr. P teaches Roger and his classmates to take what they want, initiate confrontations, how to speak to girls and how to become the hunter and not the hunted. Which is one of the funniest parts of the film. It involves the guys chasing after each other and shooting each other with paint ball guns! And poor Roger gets hit in the crotch three times at close range! That had me rolling on the floor. And at the end of that scene Roger sneaks up behind Lescher and shoots him. And Dr. P praises Roger for that and Roger starts feeling better about himself. But then Dave tells Roger that Dr. P does not like to be outdone. He is the best at everything and he always will be. And after Roger is told that he catches Dr. P talking to Amanda, the girl that Roger likes. And once Roger realizes that Dr. P is trying to outdo him, they become rivals and start doing things to each other to see who is the best. That involves the funniest scene in the move where Roger, Dr. P, Amanda, and Amanda's witchy friend Becky, played by Sarah Silverman, playing tennis. Every time Roger serves the ball the ends up hitting Dr. P somewhere on his body. It is so funny. Had me in stitches! So then Roger is on a mission to find out what exactly is Dr. P's deal and what his background is. Then that is where the drama unfolds.

School For Scoundrels isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's definitely fun to watch. If you liked Anger Management, as I did, you will probably enjoy this one. Fans of Jon Heder or Billy Bob Thornton will enjoy their performances in this film as well. Ben Stiller, Horatio Sanz, and Matt Walsh all have funny supporting roles as members of Dr. P's class. The only thing that annoyed me about this film was Sarah Silverman's character. Boy was she annoying! I know she was supposed to be that way but after about the third time she got in the way of Roger's plans you just wanted her to go away. But this film is a wonderful mixture of comedy and drama and I was not disappointed. I loved it. Thanks for reading my review!
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