Titles in order on DVD
23 June 2007

Nowhere have I found the shorts listed in the order they play on the DVD. I am listing them here but it is most fun to watch them without looking at the list as most name the director following the 3 minutes short and it is fun to guess who directed each work. Several themes reappear such as blindness, near empty cinemas, projection problems and self reverential moments.

OPEN-AIR CINEMA- Raymond Depardon ONE FINE DAY- Takeshi Kitano THREE MINUTES- Theo Angelopoulos IN THE DARK- Andrei Konchalovsky DIARY OF A SPECTATOR – Nanni Moretti THE ELECTRIC PRINCESS HOUSE- Hou Hsiao-Hsien DARKNESS- Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne ANNA- Alejandro González Iñárritu MOVIE NIGHT- Zhang Yimou THE DYBBUK OF HAIFA- Amos Gitai THE LADY BUG- Jane Campion ARTAUD DOUBLE BILL –Atom Egoyan THE FOUNDARY- Aki Kaurismäki UPSURGE –Olivier Assayas 47 years later- Youssef Chahine IT'S A DREAM- Tsai Ming-Ling OCCUPATIONS- Lars Von Trier THE GIFT- Raul Ruiz THE CINEMA AROUND THE CORNER- Claude Lelouch FIRST KISS- Gus Van Sant CINEMA EROTIQUE- Roman Polanski NO TRANSLATION NEEDED- Michael Cimino AT THE SUICIDE OF THE LAST JEW IN THE WORLD IN THE LAST CINEMA IN

THE WORLD David Cronenberg I TRAVELLED 9000 KM TO GIVE IT TO YOU –Wong Kar Wai WHERE IS MY ROMEO? –Abbas Kiarostami THE LAST DATING SHOW- Billie August IRTEBAK – Elia Suleiman SOLE MEETING –Manoel De Oliveira 5.557 MILES FROM CANNES WAR IN PEACE –Wim Wenders ZHANXIOU VILLAGE- Chen Kaige HAPPY ENDING- Ken Loach

Not on the DVD are a second Walter Salles short, Joel and Ethan Coen's WORLD CINEMA and David Lynch's ABSURDA, all delivered to late to be included.

List of actors and segments: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0973844/
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