Chelmsford 123 (1988–1990)
A fabulous series - well worth watching
27 April 2007
I'd forgotten all about this series until I came across it again this week.

Full of marvellous actors and obviously the jump off point for many of them - just look at the list - anything where Andy Hamilton, Phil Pope, Jimmy Mulville and Neil Pearson appear on the screen must be a winner.

This is one of the funniest programmes I've watched in ages - just like a cross between the first Blackadder series and Up Pompei

Neil Pearson as Mungo is excellent as is Howard Lew Lewis (the chap who played Elmo in Brush Strokes)

Any show where a man can justify a flock of sheep consist of one sheep because 'Well it's only me first day' has got to be a classic

Search this out and watch it - you won't regret it.
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