Notorious (1946)
Attractive Leads, Unattractive Story
23 April 2007
Here is a good example of how Alfred Hitchcock's films are generally way overrated. I say "generally," because of two of his - Psycho and Rear Window - are considered two of his best and are two of my all-time favorites. However, in the 1940s I thought he made a bunch of films that would put an insomniac asleep. This is Exhibit A for that.

Cast-wise, it's difficult to imagine not liking a film with Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains and Louis Calhern....but this story is just agonizing in its slowness and incredibly stupid in its romance angle. It's hard to picture a better-looking couple than Grant and Bergman in the mid '40s but they can't overcome this tedious script and they don't quite cut it as believable spies. The "suspense" is nonexistent, too, and the plot is preposterous.

Just because it's "Hitch" directing, it doesn't mean it's automatically good, especially in the 1940s.
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