Spinal Goes Large
23 March 2007
Imagine 'Spinal Tap' meets 'Kevin & Perry Go Large' and you have pretty much summed up this mess of a film.

And it starts so well, interviewing legit DJs and dance music moguls about the imaginary legend DJ Frankie Wilde. It sets to be a truly ingenious spoof on the age of electronic music, but then it starts downhill from there. The editing is so screwed up, that half the film is cut to look like a mockumentary style film with talking heads, and the rest is shot like your regular cinema comedy flick with panning angles, and camera work that has clearly been decided to fit the piece not vice versa. It also doesn't help that the film is completely scripted (and not very well at that) so the whole effect looks very false.

The film's redeeming second half in which it battles with Wilde's deafness sensitively and thought provokingly almost drags the film up to a decent standard, with a decent film twist and a feel good feeling, but you can't help feeling that it could have been done a lot better, and not as rushed.

However, the film does have some good features, for instance Paul Kayes is brilliant as Frankie, becoming the character instantly, and rattling off a number of great one liners like a pro. He is probably the films strongest point.

It also has decided not to just opt for the stereotypical Ibiza feel of partying, drugs and Britishness, although it shows this side it also shows a beautiful, poignant and Spanish side to the devil's isle.

I liked this film because of my love of dance music and Ibiza, however as a film standing up on its own it inevitably fails and probably has a future destined to the bargain bin section of HMV.
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