Love it or hate it
14 February 2007
Gee... I really don't know what exactly to write about this movie. The plot is a very simple love-story between a very dreamy and sentimental guy and the girl-next-door.

It definitely is a love-it or hate-it movie and reflecting as hard as possible about it, I still don't know if it's a worthless movie playing with emotions and trying to make us cry over such cheap tricks as cute-looking hand-made pony-horses playing under cotton-made clouds or if it is an authentic and very open emotional auto-biography of the author...

Nonetheless, I guess I liked the movie just because it caught me in the right mood and allowed me to perfectly identify myself with the main character who's ACTUALLY doing what I very often only WANT to do when confronted with the absolutely non-comprehensible maze of emotions I sometimes find in myself. From that point of view the non-realistic and absolutely chaotic behaviour of the main character who obviously doesn't quite know what he wants was perfectly tolerable for me. On the other hand, if you don't get emotionally involved in the movie, it definitely will seem pointless, gratuitous, cheap and boring...

So, what about the rating? Depending on the mood - 1/10 or 9/10...
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