Review of Extras

Extras (2005–2007)
A great idea, and a sense of self
14 February 2007
OK , i'm going to start by saying this is the greatest show Hbo has ever put on, and one of the greatest the BBC has ever green-lit. The second season of Extras seems to be a more serious aspect of the show, the first season was a lot of underhanded dry humor and relied heavily on the humor as a whole. Though the second season has this undercurrent of tragedy to it, showing how Gervais's character transforms his ideals and his attitudes to that of a prickish actor. Though he can't seem to catch a break, whether it be the people he surrounds himself with or his general hate of his work and what he has become, and i just watched the second season finale and i must say Welcome back to Robert Deniro, by far the funniest guest appearance of the season, he did so much with so little, to bring Deniro back so that he can ogle a naked woman on a pen take the pen and lead you to believe that he will go home and masturbate to it as everyone did in the episode is quite brilliant. I hope Gervais turns out more of the seriousness next season as i think it fits the character. Cheers.
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